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Quotation of the Day for December 28, 2009"Slowing the population explosion and softening its effects do not directly address slavery or its eradication. But it is important to remember that the very strategies that work best to stop overpopulation also go to the heart of why slavery exists. The only proven cure for overpopulation is to eliminate extremes of poverty. The best contraceptives in the world--education and social protection against poverty in old age and illness--are also the best guard against enslavement. When families have a sudden need for cash, perhaps to buy medicine, they become vulnerable to enslavement. Lacking education they are prey to bogus contracts and dishonest accounting. In the long term, wiping out slavery requires helping the world's poor to gain greater control over their lives." - Kevin Bales, in Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy. Submitted by: Lynn Kisilenko Nov. 24, 2009 |
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