Quotation of the Day for July 1, 2012
"Those of us of my generation who were born in the middle of the 20th century, we grew up thinking about freedom and technology under the influence of the science fiction of the 1960s. In that science fiction, visionaries perceived that in the middle of the first quarter of the 21st century, we'd be living contemporarily with robots.
"They were correct. We do....
"...We carry them everywhere we go. They see everything, they're aware of our position, our relationship to other human beings and other robots, they mediate an information stream about us, which allows other people to predict and know our conduct and intentions and capabilities better than we can predict them ourselves.
"But we grew up imagining that these robots would have, incorporated in their design, a set of principles....
"We imagined that robots would be designed so that they could never hurt a human being. These robots have no such commitments. These robots hurt us every day.
"They work for other people. They're designed, built and managed to provide leverage and control to people other than their owners. Unless we retrofit the first law of robotics onto them immediately, we're cooked."
- Eben Moglen, summarizing his upcoming presentation to the Hackers On Planet Earth conference.
Submitted by: Terry Labach Jun. 27, 2012