Quotation of the Day for July 21, 2015
"But most advertising nowadays doesn't look like that. Advertising is just another revenue stream to be maximised by those with access to our attention. Whether it requires our tacit consent or a quid pro quo is entirely contingent. Since we are not formally - that is, legally - part of the transaction, our influence over its terms declines in proportion to our inability to escape it.
"For example, lots of companies sell you things, and then go on to sell your attention (and all the information they can glean about you) to other companies as well. Like movie theatres, live sports events, cable television, airlines and so on. The digital subscription I bought from The Economist feeds me the same advert for the same MBA programme every couple of pages - a level of crassness that demonstrates just how low these companies value the attention even of their paying customers."
- Thomas Wells, philosopher, in his essay, "Is Advertising Morally Justifiable? The Importance of Protecting Our Attention".
Submitted by: Terry Labach Jul. 20, 2015