Quotation of the Day for November 25, 2015
"Sometimes, what takes place in prison seems like a version of ordinary life beyond the prison gates, just taken to a grotesque extreme. Nowadays in "ordinary" life, too, it can be difficult to distinguish a racketeer from an employee of an official organization. In fact, does this distinction even exist for most people?
"And what happens to those of us who are too frightened to stand up for our rights, who adapt and hide behind a mask of submissiveness? Does this protective mask not morph to become our real face? Do we not gradually turn into slaves, silent and unresponsive, but prepared to commit any abomination if so ordered from on high?"
- Mikhail Khodorkovsky, former Russian political prisoner, from his book My Fellow Prisoners.
Submitted by: Terry Labach Nov. 23, 2015